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Importing and Exporting Your Worlds
We recommend frequent backups of your worlds. The best way to accomplish this is through export and import. This article will cover:
- Export
- Import
This is important to do not just periodically, but before you install or update your client.
Backing up your levels can help teachers measure daily progress, provide a way to “restore” a world damaged by error or mischief, or allow students to work on projects outside the classroom setting.
- From the Minecraft: Education Edition start screen, click “PLAY”
- Click "View My Worlds" to see all of your worlds
- Click on the world you want to export, and then click "Settings"
- Scroll down through the options on the right side of the menu, and then click “Export World” at the bottom of the list
- Save the world to your location of choice. The exported .mcworld file can be placed anywhere (network drive, USB, etc.) to provide maximum flexibility.
- From the Minecraft start screen, click “PLAY"
- Click the icon that reads "IMPORT" on the Play screen
- Find the .mcworld file and select it to import.
Additional Notes
- Worlds from Bedrock can be renamed as .mcworld files at opened in M:EE. Worlds created in M:EE cannot be converted to Bedrock
- No special characters or punctuation can be used in world titles if you want to export
- If you open a world from a file picker on your device the world will automatically generate
- As of the 1.12 release work done with the book and quill can be exported into a PDF
If you have any issues, or cannot locate your worlds via this method, please contact support or post a thread in the “Technical Support” area of the forums.