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Clean Reinstall Minecraft: Education Edition on PC
Sometimes Minecraft: Education Edition, like any other app, may run into issues or errors. Reinstalling Minecraft: Education Edition app can sometimes fix these issues, but a normal reinstall may not be enough. If the issue persists and you think a reinstall should fix it, you can try a clean reinstall following the directions below to get a fresh start!
Note that if you're getting a "Can't connect to service" error, this may be due to having both the Store version and the Desktop version installed. See more info here.
Steps to perform a clean reinstall of Minecraft: Education Edition
Step #1: Backup and save your current worlds
Your worlds can be found here if you are using the store version (appx):%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftEducationEdition_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds
And here for the Desktop version (.exe): %appdata%\Minecraft Education Edition\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds
- Locate world files
- Zip all files into a single Zip file
- Move ZIP file to desktop, OneDrive, or other secure location
*Note: If you are on a multi-user device, each user will have to go into their user's path to backup their their worlds as detailed above. If you are on 1:1 devices you can proceed with the next step.
If you can currently login to the game but just want to change to the desktop application (for various reasons), you can simply just export and save your worlds after logging in.
Step #2: Remove your current instance of the Minecraft: Education Edition application
- Download the file
- Unzip the folder
- In the folder, right-click the UninstallAllMinecraftEducationEditionversions.bat file and select “Run as Administrator”
- When PowerShell opens, confirm the uninstall by pressing any key. This will uninstall for all users if you are on a shared device. If you are on 1:1 devices it will remove for the current user
Step #3 Download the correct Windows version of Minecraft: Education Edition for your PC
Go through the "Setup Wizard" to complete install and launch
Step #4 Transfer your worlds to the new desktop version
Move world files from the previous desktop, OneDrive, or other secure location and unzip the world files to the new "minecraftWorlds" location on the PC: %appdata%\Minecraft Education Edition\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds
*Note: If you are on a multi-user device, each user will have to go into their user's path to transfer their their worlds on the desktop version as detailed above.