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Learn to play Minecraft Education
Download this guide for a full walkthrough on how to get started with Minecraft: Education Edition: A First Lesson in Minecraft: Education Edition
This tutorial is meant for educators and students who are new to Minecraft, or those who need a refresher on controls, crafting, and basics of the game. This article is designed to get you going right away playing Minecraft and using Minecraft: Education Edition.
This article will cover:
- How to launch
- Topics covered in the tutorial world
- A guide to useful controls in Minecraft
- Additional resources
To get ready for the tutorial experience, simply open up your version of Minecraft: Education Edition and get started. To get your copy of Minecraft: Education Edition, visit our get started link or download page.
How to launch
Select play from the main menu after logging in and choose “create new”.
The below Screenshot demonstrates what you should be seeing.
Is your world missing? The world should be in your list automatically, along with the others listed above. Please check the version number of your Minecraft: Education Edition (it should read 1.0.27 or higher). Next, visit the Tutorial World page our website and select “Download World” and import the world to an easy to find folder. Import this world by selecting the arrow next to “create new”, finding the world on your computer, and selecting open. It should be back in your list. If you have any issues, please contact support right away so we can get your tutorial world working again.
Simply select “Play” from this menu. There is no need to change the settings to get started!
Topics covered in the tutorial world
When you enter the world, you will be greeted by this sign and friendly non-player characters (NPCs) who will guide you through the basic controls and features of Minecraft.
You will learn about:
- Moving around
- Swimming
- Placing Blocks
- Crafting and Recipes
- Basic Mobs (mobile characters like animals)
- As you proceed through the tutorial, you will also find helpful information about Minecraft: Education Edition specific features.
As you proceed through the tutorial, you will also find helpful information about Minecraft: Education Edition specific features.
A guide to useful controls in Minecraft
Get familiar with the controls here. This article explains how to move around with one of the most common interfaces for Minecraft: Education Edition, a keyboard and mouse. We encourage you to bookmark or print out this page while you are learning how to play, you’ll likely refer to it often.
Additional resources
Once you get started with Minecraft, we invite you to explore the following resources to help you continue your journey at whatever level you are comfortable with:
- Begin My Minecraft Journey
- Visit the Tutorial World page in our Resources area
- Visit the Tutorial World in other languages (French)
- Get familiar with the controls
- Connect with other educators directly via our website or forums
- Follow us on Twitter
- Explore the full Knowledge Base